Bova Paleoceanography and Climate Lab

Exploring the history of Earth’s oceans and climate system to better understand our future.


This website is currently under development...

If you are interested in paleoceanography, climate, and geochemistry please consider joining our lab at San Diego State University!

Bachelor's Students: E-mail me if you are interested in gaining research experience. Please include your name, major, and a brief description of what interests you in our work. Paid opportunities are sometimes available.

Master's Students: We are looking for motivated Masters Students to join our group in Fall 2024. Please e-mail me to discuss opportunities. Please include a CV/Resume and a brief description of why you are interested in joining the lab. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Postdoctoral Scholars: Currently, there are no open positions in our group. However, if you are interested in developing a project for external support please reach out via email to discuss.



Dr. Samantha Bova
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences

E-Mail Dr. Bova